Happy Birthday Me, you’re quite old now.

July 13, 2020

This is a blog post that I will not really quality check or read through, I guess this is all just mind to words. Oh, and this is a very deep post.

I am 15 now. In retrospect I’m nearly in-between teenage years and the seemingly horrible truths of adulting and getting a job. 1 year til I can get a job (which I gladly will 😂) and 3 years til I’m studying my glasses off at a University course. (hopefully The University of Sheffield)

I’ve always felt quite lucky about my life. My mum defeated all the odds of poverty and inequality against her and flew to the UK to work as a nurse, there was a 50% chance of me getting down-syndrome, which would of totally stopped me from being who I am today and I was born pre-mature.

It’s something I think about every time I wake up and it makes me want to not just “live”, but actually do something with my life. It’s why I am what one of my teachers describe as a ‘robot’, running a blog, an instagram page, a podcast and that’s also why I can be very political, because if I ended up born in poverty, or born with a disability, I would need that help too.

I’ll always be thankful and grateful for my family and friends for always supporting me and I love you all! People I want to mention in this blog post:

My parents: I have no idea how you both cope with me. You’re both a guide of how hard I should work in my life and a example for my future. You’re both the best! 😊

My two sisters: You’re both another type of example for me. You both helped me while I was growing up and are always completely honest with me whenever I need opinions or life advice. Thank you!

Michael & Hazel: You may not be my closest friends, but I think I’ve probably known you both for most, if not, all of my entire life, so thank you for being alive and there with me and hopefully I see you both again at another awkward Filipino gathering 😂

Bradley, Aidan, Vladimir : You’re all my closest school friends. You’ve heard about my crushes, dealt with my awkwardness and weirdness and heard my rants and secrets. I’ll see you all in September!

Lottie: Basically, my only proper friend in real life that is a girl. We might not hang out much often but you’re probably, other than Bradley, the only person I’ve known from school for a really really long time. I’ll see you in September!

Matt: Literally my biggest shareholder, Randomly bought me a microphone for my birthday for a small podcast I made a year ago and hosts this blog. Thank you Bro!!

And some honorable mentions:

Andreas, Sana, Natalia, Nick, Hana, Sammy, Samaa, Cecilia, Merle, Basil, Julie, Alina, Thomas.

And everyone else reading this blog, Thank you!

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